Vincent Tourraine

Notes WWDC 2021 : Meet DocC documentation in Xcode

#dev #Xcode

Mes notes pour la session Meet DocC documentation in Xcode de la WWDC 2021.

DocC (“Documentation Compiler”): Reference, Articles, and Tutorials

Open Source later this year

Comment with /// ... or /** ... */ (multiline)

Example with inner code example:

/// Food that a sloth can consume.
/// Sloths love to eat the leaves and twigs they find in the rainforest canopy as they
/// slowly move around. To feed them these items, you can use the `twig`,
/// `regularLeaf` and `largeLeaf` default foods.
/// ```swift
/// ```
public struct Food {
  // ...

Example with parameters and returns:

/// A model representing a sloth.
public struct Sloth {
  /// Sleep in the specified habitat for a number of hours.
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - habitat: The location for the sloth to sleep.
  ///   - numberOfHours: The number of hours for the sloth to sleep.
  /// - Returns: The sloth’s energy level after sleeping.
  mutating public func sleep(in habitat: Habitat, for numberOfHours: Int = 12) -> Int {
    energyLevel += habitat.comfortLevel * numberOfHours
    return energyLevel

New with DocC: connecting your documentation with double backtick:

/// A model representing a sloth.
public struct Sloth {
  /// Eat the provided specialty sloth food.
  /// Sloths love to eat while they move very slowly through their rainforest habitats. They
  /// are especially happy to consume leaves and twigs, which they digest over long periods
  /// of time, mostly while they sleep.
  /// ```swift
  /// let flower = Sloth.Food(name: "Flower Bud", energy: 10)
  /// ```
  /// When they eat food, a sloth's ``energyLevel`` increases by the food's
  /// ``Food/energy``. 
  /// - Parameters:
  ///   - food: The food for the sloth to eat.
  ///   - quantity: The quantity of the food for the sloth to eat.
  /// - Returns: The sloth's energy level after eating.
  mutating public func eat(_ food: Food, quantity: Int = 1) -> Int {
    energyLevel += * quantity
    return energyLevel

Documentation “archives”, additional output shareable as single-page web app.