Vincent Tourraine

Mai 2015

WatchKit Development Tips

I’ve been working full-time on the Apple Watch component of my new WhereNotes app since mid-January. I was also fortunate to be invited to (and attend) an Apple Watch Lab in Cupertino.

Making it as an Indie Developer

Again there is talk around the blogosphere about the difficulty of making it as an indie developer. First there was this post by Sam Soffes regarding the first-day sales after the launch of his Mac app, Redacted.

Upon This Wrist

It is on my wrist. Do I wish it to be? Not really. Did I crave it? No. Well, maybe a little. I am human. And it is new. And it contains media. And itself may be new media. And it is good to know about these things. So it is on my wrist. This thing, black like crude oil upon Daniel Day Lewis’ brow.


Modify the iOS Simulator so that it has a perfect status bar, then run your app and take perfect screenshots every time. The modifications made are designed to match the images you see on the Apple site and are as follows: