Vincent Tourraine

Février 2017

2017 is a Cyberpunk Dystopia

2017 is straight out of a 1990's science fiction story

Notifications Are Better Than Alerts

The latest beta release of iOS introduces a new feature that allows developers to prompt users to rate their apps. The rating is selected and submitted without leaving the app. It is presented as an alert, using the standard system appearance.

Creating a Compelling Today Widget

With our latest PDF Viewer update, 1.5, we are not only adding Spotlight search, 3D Touch gestures, Wi-Fi Drive, a lot of bug fixes, and improvements, but also a fresh, new Today widget.

Mobile 2.0

In 2004, ten years after Netscape launched, Tim O'Reilly launched the 'Web 2.0' conference, proposing (or branding) a generational shift in how the web worked.

Stagehand: The Music

Buckle up, friends, because we’re gonna go on a “deep dive” for a three minute piece of music! For the third time, I’ve just had the extreme privilege of collaborating with co-worker and pal Neven Mrgan, and Australian and pal Matt Comi, who make really fun iOS games via Big Bucket.

iOS Stiffness: The Neglected Touch Down State

When iOS 10 was introduced, I had hoped to see more borrowed from watchOS, because it does a great job of providing animated feedback to taps of buttons and other elements. Android also does a better job at it, with its ripple effect on table cells, for example.

70 Cents Put Me on the Mac App Store Charts

Disclaimer: The purpose of this post is not to complain about my sales. You can question my strategy, my acumen, my sanity, and those questions may be valid.


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How The New York Times Is Clawing Its Way Into the Future

Arthur Gregg Sulzberger doesn’t remember the first time he visited the family business.

How I Got My Attention Back

There are a thousand beautiful ways to start the day that don’t begin with looking at your phone. And yet so few of us choose to do so.

Netflix’s new design series spreads the wrong idea about design

NetflixAbstract is fuzzy.From our ObsessionDesignAt the heart of today’s most successful and innovative companies is design. It’s a discipline that has the power to improve every aspect of our lives.By Design and architecture reporterPublished This article is more than 2 years old.

Slopes Diaries #18: That Dirty M Word

Slopes Diaries is my ongoing journey to turn my indie app into a more sustainable part of my business. First time reading? Catch up on the journey so far. What is Slopes? Think Nike+, Runkeeper, Strava, MapMyRun, etc for skiers and snowboarders.