Vincent Tourraine

Juin 2017

Google Reporter

Easily integrate Google Analytics into your iOS, macOS, and tvOS app without downloading any of the Google SDKs. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Google has officially discontiuned the option for mobile analytics tracking through Google Analytics. New apps are asked to use Firebase.

All Thumbs, Why Reach Navigation Should Replace the Navbar in iOS Design

The UINavigationBar, navbar for short, has been around since the original iPhone. Historically, navbars have been convenient and clear, easy to understand and easy to build. Then phones ballooned, enough that the iPhone 7 Plus supplanted sales of the iPad mini.

Getting things done in 2017

I’ve been using OmniFocus to organize my personal and professional lives for a couple years now, but hadn’t actually read David Allen’s Getting Things Done (referred to as GTD for the remainder of this post) – the eponymous book behind the methodology that OmniFocus and many other apps like

Why we only work 4 days a week during summer

As I write this it’s the first week of May, and there’s an energetic buzz in the air — because it means that Summer Hours are about to start here at Basecamp. The description of Summer Hours in our employee handbook is simple:

Things : l’important, « c’est ce que l’utilisateur ressent lorsqu’il utilise notre application »

Quatre ans ! Cultured Code aura donc mis quatre ans pour tenir sa promesse d’une refonte de Things.

Homophobie dans la tech française : regards croisés des LGBT qui vivent au milieu des geeks

Libéraux, progressistes et en avance sur leur temps : voilà comment certains définissent les milieux de la tech. Pour d'autres, ce serait un conglomérat de geeks machistes et homophobes. La réalité est sûrement entre ces deux visions des professions.