Vincent Tourraine

Octobre 2018

TimeInterval, Date, and DateInterval

Nestled between Madrid’s Centro and Salamanca districts, just a short walk from the sprawling Buen Retiro Park, The Prado Museum boasts an extensive collection of works from Europe’s most celebrated painters.

Trent Reznor Is Doing What Feels Right

When Trent Reznor says he is excited about something he doesn’t actually sound excited at all. He speaks in a measured mutter, choosing his words carefully whenever he’s asked a question that could potentially lead to a headline-grabbing response.

Desktop Client for App Store Connect • NativeConnect

10x swifterthan App Store Connect Requires macOS 10.15.2 or later It’s called Native for a reason NativeConnect is a document-based Mac app. It’s 100% AppKit.

Neon and corporate dystopias: why does cyberpunk refuse to move on?

The future has looked the same for almost four decades. A skyline of densely packed skyscrapers, corporate logos lighting the night sky, proclaiming ownership over the city below.

Dark Mode and CSS

The new Dark Mode in macOS Mojave provides users with a new way to customize their desktop environment. It also presents a lot of new situations where developers need to adapt content in their apps and websites.

Derrière le gigantesque succès de « The Walking Dead », le fragile marché du comics en France

Méga-PixelsL’offre de comic books en France est foisonnante. Un succès toutefois à nuancer alors que la quatrième édition de Comic-Con se tient à Paris ce week-end.

La grande histoire d’amour de la France avec l’horrible Cthulhu

Méga-PixelsL’écrivain H. P. Lovecraft, créateur du mythe de Cthulhu, connaît un regain d’intérêt depuis plusieurs années. Un jeu vidéo d’enquête se déroulant dans son univers sort mardi. Il y a eu des rééditions de ses livres.