Vincent Tourraine

Décembre 2016

La Nintendo Mini Classic, la console rétro venue de France

« Kokekokko », comme chantent les coqs japonais. La réédition de la plus célèbre console nippone des années 1980, la NES Mini Classic, est « made in France » – en tout cas pour la technologie logicielle.

The Future of Privacy

This is an article from Turning Points, a magazine that explores what critical moments from this year might mean for the year ahead. Turning Point: Apple resists the F.B.I. in unlocking an iPhone in the San Bernardino terrorism case.

How Not to Crash #1

Sometimes apps crash. Crashes can interrupt the user’s workflow, cause data to be lost, and interfere with the background operation of an app. For developers, some of the hardest crashes to fix are the ones that are hard to recreate or worse still, hard to detect. Oisin and I released Castro 2.

How ‘Rogue One’ Brought Back Familiar Faces

Making a new “Star Wars” movie can be like gaining access to a toy collection that has been amassed over four decades.