Vincent Tourraine

Janvier 2024

Pourquoi se syndiquer dans l’informatique ?

Quand on parle de syndicalisme, on a souvent l’image de « Jojo-le-syndiqué-de-la-cégété », qui brûle des pneus devant l’usine en mangeant des merguez en manif. Ou encore de la mafia qui ne travaille que pour ses propres intérêts particuliers.

Xcode 15: Automated accessibility audits

Xcode 15 introduces a way of automatically performing accessibility audits on your app through UI tests. Such audits can help you identify accessibility issues such as missing labels for elements, clipped text, insufficient colour contrast, lack of support for Dynamic Type and many more.

Lessons learned: 1,000 days of distributed at Atlassian

Distributed Work Distributed Work Distributed Work

The genius tool LEGO wants to forget

Stud Stencil resources: In this video we take LEGO to a new dimension with the help of surprisingly simple tool! 0:00 Intro 0:19 LEGO & MUJI 1:15 Puncher Problems 2:01 Superior Solutions 2:41 Let's Make! 4:39 Minifig Fashion Show 5:24 Outro Support us